Tuesday, October 1, 2013 • 12:25 AM • 0 comments

All you ever cared for was her. I did my best to be there for you. I tried my hardest to make you happy. You're the first person that I've ever done so much for.
I have to admit that time spent with you was priceless. All the laughters, sadness, randomness, craziness. Even those lame bickers we have every single day. I cherished them all. Even when my friends shunt you, discouraged me to hang out with you, i disregarded them and treated you like my best-est friend. You've hurt me countless times, but all i did was just suck it up and forgave you. Remember when you first broke up with her? Seeing you all shattered and apart really broke my heart. I may not love you as a lover, but i treat you like a family. You tried moving on from her, accidentally falling for me temporarily. This is common for boys who just went through a heartbreak. The heart needs comforting. It needs love. For the pain to heal, you've mistaken your thankfulness into love. You realized this later and changed your mind. Well, it hurts a lot knowing this sad truth, but it's alright. All that matters is that i can still be by your side, supporting you. I know that many of your friends doesnt like me either. Sorry.
I know that I'm a burden to you at times. I may have upset you many times too. But think about it, was there ever a time that i was angry at you, to the point of ignoring you for days? None. You? You can just hate on me from other's influence, or just ignore me out of PMS. I didn't put it on heart. Why? I cherish this friendship of ours. Really. If I wasn't afraid of losing you, i wouldn't spend sleepless nights thinking about how to apologize, trying to reflect on what exactly i've done wrong. I thought that this time, it would be like before. Cold war for days, and we'll be fine. No. I'm wrong. Its really the end now huh. Cutting all ties with me.
If you really wanna end this now, I'll respect your decision. But can i at least have one last request? Tell me what i did wrong. It really hurts. Even while doing my papers today. Memories kept reappearing. People can call me weak, lame, stupid, foolish. Are you telling me that the times we've been through since sec 1 till now was all nothing to you? I know you've changed, you've 'grown' from your relationship with her. But have you changed to a person that could forsake a friendship so easily? I don't remember doing anything grave that made you hate on me. We were fine the day before. Talking at night, as usual. I notice that you're different, but i thought that it was just stress from exams. But you just cut all ties with me completely. It's like a silent stab at the back.
Everyone is saying, " just shut the fuck up and move on." Memories are holding me back though. Never have i once cried for the sake of others. Thanks for all the time spent. Thanks for all the scars you left behind. "bleeding may stop, but scars would never heal." Time may be my medicine to fade the pain away. But the scars you've left will forever be there.
I've finally woken up, realising that " people come and go." Even those whom you think that would never leave. I've placed too much trust. I'm tired of all these bullshits.

"143." "I hate you."

To my blog.

Hello, Rii-Chan here.
I♥Strawberries & Rilakkuma.

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Time Machine♧
let's get back.